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Created to Serve 2020

Lucille Cockerham

Updated: Dec 31, 2020

Created to Serve (CTS) members started in January 2020, the way we start each year. The residents and Group Leaders discussed Independent Living/Social Skills at Matt's House, a homeless shelter for women and families. Our third Group Leader worked with the children on reading and Arts and Crafts. An evaluation sheet was given to each woman at the end of each session. We met four times in January and received a total of twenty-eight evaluation sheets.

CTS Members could not make their scheduled visit in April 2020 due to COVID 19.

In February 2020, our Cover Me Program was fully utilized due to the Pearl River Flood. However, on May 7, 2019, CTS members took girls' briefs, socks, and camisoles to Enoch School for the Jackson Public School (JPS) Homeless Program. We also delivered boys' briefs, t-shirts, and socks.

The above items allowed the children to resume their education without a lengthy delay, as some were rescued from their homes by boats and did not have the time and space to pack many essential items. We were pleased that the shelves were stocked with the needed items.

In February through October 2020, members of CTS started communicating with other agencies

regarding a Mentoring Program. However, I must go back to 2018, when I knew that the addition of a program would benefit many children. Also, members of CTS wanted more direct contact with the children.

I was a canvasser for The Better Together Commission during July 2018. One Voice administered this project, and the goal was to gain input regarding what could be done to make the JPS System better. The canvassers knocked on sixty-thousands doors in Jackson, Ms. to complete the survey. We talked with students, parents, grandparents, and guardians. I witnessed extreme poverty, and some of the above listed elderly individuals had difficulty understanding the survey questions.

In 2020, most of Created to Serve members and volunteers had retired from their full-time employment, and we thought it would be a good time to start a Mentoring Program. However, we faced two barriers; lack of transportation and a facility to house the program. We were able to locate a facility, and the children are transported by the buses of JPS. These are the children we want to mentor, our targeted population. Nevertheless, the JPS engaged in virtual learning in August 2020 due to COVID 19.

A proposal was sent to our contact at the facility, and she was pleased with the information provided regarding the Mentoring Program. We were scheduled to meet on March 17, 2020, to discuss the proposal further, and view the facility, but the Essential Employees Order was issued. However, we have remained in contact, and JPS is to open in January 2021, with a hybrid of virtual and in-class learning. I am to be contacted when the majority of students return to this facility.

On July 4-7, 2020, CTS participated in Giving Tuesday. Our hashtags were Lean on Me and Days of Generosity and Gratitude. This was our second fundraiser through Facebook. We asked

others to write a post thanking their champions for assisting the community during COVID 19. We also asked that they post a picture of their champions, and CTS did like-wise. This was a wonderful, exciting learning experience.

From October to December 11, 2020, CTS engaged in an array of activities. We honored our pledge to Sunnybrook Children's Home, which falls under our Self-Esteem Program. We also completed two end-of-the-year projects which fall under our Special Services Program. These

projects were discussed on our Business Facebook Page. We also received our Donation Button on Facebook.

I also watched many webinars and attended several virtual meetings. Three grants were applied for, and we received one! My computer was checked out, and I needed to download a program and add an attachment; both were completed. Again, this has been a year to remember. We are looking forward to resuming our conversation regarding the Mentoring Program in 2021. We are reaching forward with great expectancy!!!!

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09 de jan. de 2021

Created To Serve 2020 Christmas contribution to The Salvation Army. We pray that it helped them in their fight to combat hunger and so many needs in our community! God Bless❤


©2019 Created to Serve

P.O. Box 68725,   Jackson, MS 39286 

601-668-3616 or 601-214-0921

Site Design by Ebony Robinson

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